About the Awards

Organised by Hong Kong Economic Times (HKET), the “HKET Excellence Awards” recognise enterprises with outstanding performance, exceptional contributions and achievements towards the economic or social development of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area in the previous year. At the same time, the Awards hope to foster industrial peers’ mutual motivation, so as to promote the sustainable development of local enterprises and enhancement of product and service quality in a professional and innovative manner.


  • Recognise outstanding enterprises

  • Celebrate contributions made by the enterprises to the society and the industry

  • Promote exchanges between outstanding enterprises

  • Encourage enterprises to enhance product and service quality in a professional and innovative manner

  • Promote sustainable development of enterprises and brands through healthy competition


  • 4 April


  • 7 June

    Deadline of Enrolment

  • Mid June

    Judging Process

  • 11 July

    Result Announcement & Awards Ceremony

Award Categories

HKET Excellence Awards include the following categories to recognise of the outstanding practices and contributions of enterprises in different fields:

  • Real Estate Property

  • Financial Investment

  • Greater Bay Area Integration

  • Professional Services

  • Technology and Innovation

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Public Service

  • Talent Management

  • Life and Culture

  • Tourism and Hospitality

  • Medical and Health

  • Educational Services

Judging Criteria

  • 1Philosophy and value proposition (10%)
  • 2Strategy and implementation (40%)
  • 3Achievements and contributions (40%)
  • 4Future vision and plans (10%)

Winning enterprises will receive an invitation to attend the awards ceremony on 11 July 2024.


  • Mr. Teddy AuAssociate Publisher and Executive Chief EditorHong Kong Economic Times
  • Ms. Diane ChanPublisher and General ManagerHong Kong Economic Times
  • Mr. Simon Chan, BBS, JPChairmanHong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
  • Dr. Eva ChanChairmanHong Kong Investor Relations Association
  • Dr. Michael ChanHonorary ChairmanHong Kong Institute of Marketing
  • Mr. Simon LeeHonorary Fellow, Asia Pacific Institute of BusinessThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Ms. Carrie Leung, MHChief Executive OfficerThe Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
  • Prof. Carlos LoDirector, Centre for Business SustainabilityThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dr. Miranda LouExecutive Vice PresidentThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Dr. Christopher ToChairmanThe Hong Kong Institute of Directors
  • Mr. Simon TsangChief Editor of HKET and Publisher of iMoneyHong Kong Economic Times
  • Prof. Yan XuAssociate Director, Center for Business Strategy and Innovation; Former Associate DeanHKUST Business School
(in alphabetical order)

2024 Highlights (Chinese version only)

實現高質量發展是國家規劃的重要部分,也是香港未來發展的大勢。為探討香港如何善用固有優勢,加快實現高質量發展的步伐,香港經濟日報於7月11日舉辦「高質量發展 提升港優勢」研討會,邀得多名本港領袖分享真知灼見;同場更舉行香港經濟日報企業大獎2024頒獎典禮,對一眾優秀企業予以嘉許 .... Read More

Video Highlights

Contact Us

For further information or enquiries, please email to ExcellenceAwards@hket.com